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Share, Suggest, Support

Our Mission.

Marine Matters. It is more than just an idea, but rather a necessity to protect our oceans. Our mission is to educate, inform, and provide plans for people to implement into their lives to noticeably make a difference.

150 million.

The number of people who live on land that will be affected by new high-tide lines by 2050.

Share, Suggest, Support.

Marine Matters believes that the 3s encompass our beliefs about protecting oceans for tomorrow's world. The first S is for sharing issues which our oceans and maritime areas are facing and will continue to face into the future. The second S is for suggesting solutions which YOU can do to protect our oceans and ensure their longevity. The third S is for supporting and motivating YOU to continue to implement our suggestions in your daily life. This is all in relation to Blue Justice.

The Ocean is Powerful.

The ocean generates 50 percent of the oxygen we need, absorbs 25 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions and captures 90 percent of the excess heat generated by these emissions.

We need your help.

You can make a difference, even if it is small. Start with us.

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